Monday 15 January 2018

10 Amazing Health Benefits Of Feijoa

10 Amazing Health Benefits Of Feijoa                                                                                                                                                         Have you ever heard of the Feijoa fruit? Wondering what it is and what it can do? This fruit is native to South America, and comes with loads of health benefits.

Would you like to know more? Keep reading!

Feijoa Fruit – A Brief:

The Feijoa fruit, also called as guavasteen, is a fabulous fruit originally grown in South America. It is now being cultivated in the United States and New Zealand.

The Feijoa tree looks small like a shrub and is famous for its health benefits. This fruit is now being combined with yogurt, ice creams, juices, jams and shakes for its preferred taste. The fruit tastes sweet, and one gets a unique blend of the tastes of pineapple, strawberry, banana and guava. Perhaps this is why Feijoa is referred to as pineapple guava in many places.

The Feijoa or pineapple guava fruit is a natural source of many vital nutrients the body needs. Let us have a look at the other health benefits of feijoa fruit.

1. Loaded With Vitamins And Minerals:

The feijoa fruit is rich in a number of minerals and vitamins. A cup of Feijoa fruit contains adequate calories, calcium, copper, natural fats, iron, protein, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B9, zinc and Vitamin C. Therefore, this fruit is high on nutritive content.

2. Boon During Pregnancy:

Feijoa is considered a healthy fruit for pregnant women. Feijoa is rich in folate, which is crucial for pregnant women and can protect against anemia. Anemia leads to fatigue and giddiness. These two problems can be alleviated if you include this fruit in your daily diet while you are pregnant, as feijoa is rich in iron. And, with high RBC, you can ensure proper development of the growing baby.

3. Rich In Fiber:

Feijoa fruit is well known for its fibrous content and is widely used in alleviating certain bowel disorders. It can ease constipation and also ensures you don’t suffer from flatulence.

4. Iodine Magic:

Feijoa is rich in iodine. Hence, this fruit is highly recommended for those who suffer from iodine deficiency. Those suffering from hypothyroidism and goitre should definitely take a second look at this fruit, as iodine deficiency can lead to the slowing down of the metabolism, weight gain, sensitivity to cold, dry skin, weakness, depressed mood, and constipation.
 5. Boosts Memory And Brain Function:

Feijoa, if regularly consumed , can help boost brain function and retard the onset of age-associated cognitive decline, dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease. The fruit is a boon for seniors, who have been diagnosed with early stages of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

6. Protects Against Free Radical Damage:

Feijoa is rich in vital vitamins and antioxidants that can reduce oxidative stress and lower incidences of free radical damage. Free radicals are known to cause premature aging. Above all, oxidative stress is thought to be the cause of many diseases, including cancer.

7. Boosts Immunity And Offers Protection Against Common Cold:

Regular consumption of feijoa can boost immunity and offer protection against common cold. By consuming the fruit regularly, thanks to its Vitamin C content, you can ensure your body can fight common ailments.

8. Offers Protection Against Several Cancers:

The fruit can combat the negative effects of stress and improves the oxygen levels in the cells. This reduces the incidences of free radical damage, and can go a long way in lowering the risk of cancer.

9. Works Wonders On The Skin:

Since in feijoa nutrition levels are high, the beauty and cosmetic industry has begun to use the feijoa extract in many of their products. In fact, the pulp of this fruit, along with its seeds, works best as a natural exfoliant on the skin.

10. Lowers Risk Of Depressive Disorders:

The feijoa fruit is rich in many vital nutrients and vitamins needed for the functioning of the body. A recent study has suggested that consuming two servings of this fruit in a day lowers the risk of depression. This is due to the presence of anti-inflammatory compounds and antioxidants, such as resveratrol. It is found to be a blessing and is also called as brain food as it helps in improving memory and lowering the levels of anxiety and stress.

Tap into the wonders of the fabulous feijoa and enjoy nature’s bountiful benefits for good health. This is one fruit that you just can’t ignore, as it brings outstanding health benefits for people of all ages.

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